What is a Spiritual Woman?
A Spiritual Woman is the Greatest Threat to the Status Quo - Jah 9
When I first began to study and practice Yoga, I came to understand that the 'goal' of this practice is to librate ourselves from bondage which basically means transcending or overpowering the egoic, human parts of ourselves.
Over the last 9 years my understanding of this intricate practice has deepened and transformed on a multitude of levels. More recently, and with the help of another incredible book Eastern body, Western mind by Anodea Judith, I have come to know that it is much more useful and functional to consider the journey of Yoga less as a process of ridding ourselves of our undisciplined parts, and instead as a journey of reclamation.
Spiritual practices offer us the opportunity to reclaim the pieces of ourselves that we learnt to hide away because at one point or another we received an unaccepting response to those pieces, thereby deciding it would be safer to stuff that part of us away in a secret hiding place so it couldn't get us into 'trouble' again.
What pieces of yourself were you told were not acceptable either directly or indirectly ?
Regardless of what your personal shadow parts are, in order to cultivate lasting balance and stability within ourselves it is essential that we reclaim responsibility for those forgotten and seemingly 'unloveable' parts of ourselves.
For the modern spiritual woman, one particularly potent area of shadow work is sexuality.
How many icky spots do you have when it comes to your relationship with sensation and sensuality?
Whether it's family narratives, awkward or uncomfortable experiences, and/or a not so loving relationship with your own body. The reason that this is such a potent area for so many of us is because somewhere lurking deep inside we hold onto a belief that we need to choose between aspects of ourselves. Either we are empowered or feminine, either we are strong or attractive; sexy or spiritual. In the words of the controversial spiritual teacher Osho, "Why choose when we can have both?".
Let's choose to leave behind the notion that we have to choose between being sacred and pure or sensual and truly enjoying all of the wonderful pleasures human life has to offer.
Let's choose to leave behind the idea that we must favour certain parts of ourselves above others.
Let's choose to start believing that it is possible to embrace it all.
Stepping into our power and being able to make peace with these seemingly opposing pieces of ourselves is the very same paradox that asks us to accept that we experience our eternal expansive spirit through a mortal and limited human body. In both examples the two polarities are intrinsically connected. A deep reverence for both the worldly and the transcendental brings us to a state of oneness; a truly peaceful, joyful, and contented life.
Do you believe that you can enjoy a rich, pleasurable life as well as a sacred connection to spirit?
Connecting to the magical and mysterious portal that sits just between your legs is one way you can begin to find balance between the power of opposites. Your flower of life is the gateway to creation both literally and philosophically. The mysterious life force energy which allows a new spirit to come into being is encapsulated through a very physical, very human, and also very pleasurable part of you. There's the paradox again; spirit and matter are intrinsically connected.
Gals, have you considered how you can connect more deeply with all aspects of yourself?
Female empowerment isn't about adopting a masculine approach to reclaiming our sacred femininity. That doesn't make sense. It is about harnessing the ability to sit in the presence of sometimes painful truths about ourselves and in the process deepen our faith and connection with spirit in a very visceral way; through our magical & mysterious bodies.
It is uninstalling all of the faulty programmes that we have downloaded which enables us to bring every part of ourselves back online and into the conscious mind. It is being able to acknowledge your dark spots and still treat yourself with compassion and kindness.
How often do you talk shit to yourself after noticing something that you did "wrong"?
We need to stop doing this! It is essential that we treat ourselves with softness and nurturing femininity as we learn to reparent ourselves and begin to consciously take responsibility of our own thoughts, actions, and emotions.
This, my beautiful sisters, is the reclamation and revolution of the feminine spirit. When you welcome all parts of yourself home, you are no longer subject to fear agendas and coercion because you know who you are and you are clear on what you stand for.
Don't you see, when you learn to love, trust, and honour yourself you are doing one of the greatest acts of service to humanity that you can. You are embodying a world of acceptance and support, you are choosing to value wellbeing and expansion.
Basically, you're saving the fucking world!
This revolution of perspective is powerful because as the queen Jah9 sings, "a spiritual woman is the greatest threat to the status quo".
Can you imagine what will happen if women all over the world stand up and choose to deeply connect to themselves and to Spirit?
As the external restrictions grow tighter, let your personal resolve grow stronger.
A spiritual woman is a conscious queen who is willing to embrace and accept all facets of herself. She is dedicated to uninstalling all of the lies that have been programmed into her along the way. It's time to sit with the discomfort and welcome the darkness because from that darkness you will rise like a fucking Phoenix from the ashes.
That freedom cannot be given, and it most certainly cannot be taken.
I see you. I support you.
I stand with you.
You've got this queen.
So much love from me to you,
Ciara Nicole X
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