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Why Spiritual Health is Important

emotions periods spirituality

A couple of nights ago, I lay in bed with intense period pains resting and waiting for the pain to ease off but it just didn't feel like like it was lessening and I started to feel quite anxious and alone.

Meanwhile, my partner was in the living room with his Dad and brothers, who were visiting for Christmas.

Previously, I would have depended on his comfort and demanded that he stay with me while I wasn't feeling good.

This time was different.

This time, I made a different choice. I tuned into myself and was able to establish what it was that I needed. I reached for the headphones and tuned into my favourite Ben Howard album. (We don't have a bathtub here so I had to make do with listening in bed). 

Within 10 minutes, I was bobbing my head vigorously, waving my arms around joyously to the music and smiling from ear to ear. I lay on that bed doing my best dancing-flat-on-your-back routine for the best part of an hour.

Are you able to attend to your own needs when when you are feeling anxious?

I used to be completely at the mercy of my own emotions I could easily go from crying intensely one day and suffering from intense anxiety the next.

I considered myself to be a very emotional person and that my frequent outbursts were just symptoms of my highly emotional nature. While I still consider myself to be an emotional person, I am now attuned to my emotions rather than being helplessly at the mercy of them. Self-expression is not the same as drowning in emotion.

During my growth process, I received a key piece of insight which has been both extremely uncomfortable and unimaginably expansive; I am the one I’ve been waiting for.

And you are the one you've been waiting for!  

The one; the only one who has the power to shine your light and make yourself feel good no matter what is happening around you.

This stable and trusting connection that you seek, the one that feels secure, peaceful, and joyful, is completely within your own hands; well, your own heart, actually. This ability to self-source joy and happiness is a total super power. It is sustainable, it is abundant, and it is a true indicator of spiritual health.

Do you consider your connection to spirit as a factor of your health and wellbeing?

Spiritual health is extremely important at this pivotal point for humanity. We are witnessing an almighty dual between the opposing forces of good and evil, light and darkness, love and fear. It is our responsibility to take charge over the things that govern our sense of vitality and wellbeing so let's empower ourselves as we choose to feel good more of the time.

I know that you are passionate about inspiring others and making this world better for them. In order to do this, you must stay closely connected to your own heart, to Spirit; to light! Stay in touch with your light.

When you stay in touch with your light it begins to illuminate every area of your life; your friendships, your relationship, your teaching, your intentions, your actions, your abilities; your very existence!

When you stay in touch with your light, you inspire & empower others to stay in touch with their light and they inspire & empower others to stay in touch with their light and the light builds, the grows, the light expands and that my friends, is how we save the fucking world. I know it's a big vision, I know it's a bold dream.

Let's choose to dream big and live big.

Let's decide to strengthen our shine as we light the path to a new world. I am holding my torch high, I am shining my light bright.  

Can you see me?

Can you feel me?

Are you holding your torch high?

Are you shining your light bright?

I can see you.

I can feel you.

So much love, 

Ciara Nicole X 

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